Pembahasan Lengkap Teknik Budidaya Kelapa Sawit

Monday, February 8, 2010


30 Years in Themed entertainment : Blooloop Talk to Nick Farmer
By Charles Read

Farmer’s core business involves drawing on his experience in the industry to create and develop attractions. Most of his business is in Europe and Scandinavia and reflects the current state of the European market, with few new parks opening and most work revolving around existing parks by either reworking existing rides or enhancing new standard rides. He particularly enjoys the challenge of working with established venues to develop attractions which will change the direction and the public’s perception of the park.

Recent Projects

Farmer worked on seven new rides and several other attractions for the 2007 season.

Recent projects include:

* Gröna Lund in Stockholm. Farmer developed the name, graphic identity and station design for Kvasten, their new suspended coaster. Kvasten is playing a major park in repositioning Gröna Lund within the Swedish leisure market.

* Bewilderwood in Norfolk. Farmer provided consultancy to the 50 acre family “curious treehouse adventure” which opened to such acclaim in May 2007. His contribution was to enhance the original concept and to provide “a layer of storytelling engagement on top of the basic attraction to deliver a much richer experience and a highly marketable attraction”

* Earth Explorer in Ostend. Farmer developed a concept using a standard drop ride to create an educational experience which takes children on a flight around the solar system. In this case Farmer produced a custom video show to integrate with the basic ride, so children have fun at the same time as leaning about space.

In addition to his consultancy business, Farmer is a non-executive director of Wicksteed Park Ltd, Kettering, one of the UK’s oldest leisure parks. This gives him the additional benefit of an operator’s perspective. He finds this useful for an appreciation that “operators battle with budgets just as much as suppliers”.

Industry Trends

In terms of demographics, the market has now finally realised the long heralded aging population is finally here and Farmer is working with parks to help ensure new attractions are designed to cater for grand parents and grand children. In his own business for attractions aimed primarily at small children he will usually try to “add a layer of entertainment”, often humour, that will appeal to adults too.

Geographically, he believes that there is still growth available in Europe, although this is largely through updating of existing parks and attractions rather than new projects. In his own business, of the fourteen projects he has worked on this year only one has been a completely new enterprise. As far as industry expansion into India and China is concerned, while these markets are growing at an incredible pace, those entering will need “nerves of steel”. Farmer recommends the fellowship to be gained by membership of the TEA, as many members are already operating in these regions. Discussion amongst fellow members can often be very helpful when dealing with such critical issues as contracts, terms of payment and business ethics in these regions.


Farmer was effusive about his experience of TEA membership saying that it had been an “incredible thing” and had expanded his network within the industry enormously. The TEA (formerly the Themed Entertainment Association) is an international non-profit organization, founded in 1991, dedicated to connecting around 6,500 creative specialists in nearly 500 firms in 39 different countries. Farmer has been a TEA member in Europe since the association established its European Division in 1998, and has served three years as European President. He is currently in his second term on the International Board and has been a Vice-President for the past five years.

Around 80% of TEA members are based in the US. However Farmer, despite not working in the States, feels that he has learned a great deal from US operators and creative suppliers. “Our members in the US have been the driving force behind so many key developments in our industry,” he says. ”Our own European industry has benefited enormously from the work of these pioneers”

“The TEA exposes you to the world’s brightest people and most exciting ideas, helping to develop your own creative thinking and good business practice.”

Farmer hopes to develop two key aspects of TEA membership. The first is to expand membership within architectural and digital production disciplines to better reflect the wide range of skills and creativity now found in project teams. The second is to expand the TEA’s horizons by bringing in members from around the world; there are positive benefits of membership where-ever creatives are based.

He sees his tenure as the TEA’s first European president as “a great opportunity to confirm to the world that the TEA is a truly international association”.


A Review On The Value Of Copper Sulphate in Agriculture
By Jo Alelsto

Copper sulphate is an ionic substance. This means that it is readily soluble in water to yield copper and sulphate ions. This property is important in fertilizer industry. Copper sulphate is used to treat insufficiency of copper in the soil. Copper is an important element in plant growth, although it may be toxic in large concentrations. Copper is found in a number of proteins and enzymes in plants that activate certain biochemical processes in them. Agricultural studies show that enzymes are necessary to plant growth and reproduction. The formation of seeds and chlorophyll rely on the presence of copper in plants. Photosynthesis and respiration, two essential processes in plants, are affected by the amount of copper. Lack of copper renders pollen less viable and it is also been associated with empty grains. The signs of copper deficiency are manifested in plants through yellowish or bluish discolorations, brown spots, and abnormal leaf shapes. Animals devouring on vegetation that grows in copper deficient soils may well suffer copper deficiency too. Copper is essential in protein and enzyme synthesis in animals. It is involved in the production of hemoglobin in animals. In fact, some cases of anemia in animals are believed to be due to copper deficiency. Application of copper sulphate onto copper deficient soils corrects these problems.

In seed nurseries, the incorporation of copper sulphate in the soil medium prevents damping off in seedlings. Damping off is another fungal infection that renders seedling stalks to rot, thus, killing the sprouting seedling. Furthermore, the toxic effects of cupric sulphate to snails that serve as vectors to parasites such as liver fluke and Schistosoma have lowered the cases of liver fluke infections and Schistosomiasis in animals. Small amounts of copper sulphate serve as additives in livestock and poultry feeds.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010




Kegiatan diareal Tanaman Menghasilkan
1. Cabut Anak Kayu
Merupakan Kegiatan mencabut anak kayu desekitar tanaman kelapa Sawit adalah untuk menjaga kebersihan lahan agar tetap terjaga dan mencegah agar tidak terjadi kompetisi penyerapan hara antara anak kayu dan tanaman kelapa Sawit. Anak kayu merupakan gulma yang bisa menggangu pertumbuhan tanaman dalam penyerapan unsur hara. Pencabutan anak kayu dilakukan dengan menggunakan bangkul atau linggis.
2. Garuk Piringan
Adalah kegiatan membuang gulma atau sisa brondolan yang tertinggal dipiringan, dengan menggunakan penggaruk panjang berbentuk garpu, kegiatan ini dilakukan karena piringan merupakan tempat penyebaran pupuk serta tempat pemungutan brondolan dan pengangkutan buah ke TPH.
3. Pemupukan
Pemupukan pada tanaman kelapa Sawit membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar yaitu sekitar 40-60% dari tital pemeliharaan. Oleh karena itu, agar tercapai hasil pemupukan yang maksimal maka pupuk yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan rekomendasi yang telah ditetapkan.
jenis pupuk yang digunakan adalah pupuk majemuk NPKM denga rotasi pemupukan dibagi menjadi 3 periode dalam 1 tahun.Agar pupuk yang digunakan terserap secara maksimal maka aplikasinya harus sesuai dengan kriteria 4 T, yaitu :
a. Tepat Jenis
Pupuk yang diberikan sesuai unsur hara yang diperlukan oleh tanaman.
b. Tepat Dosis
Jumlah Pupuk yang diberikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman.
c. Tepat Waktu dan Frekwensi
Pelaksanaan Pemupukan harus sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan.
d. Tepat Cara
Penempatan pupuk harus sesuai dengan ketentuan sehingga penyerapan unsur hara akan maksimal.

Ada dua cara pengaplikasian pupuk yang dipakai yaitu sistem pocket (benam) dan sistem tebar. Sistem benam dengan membuat tiga lubang pada piringan dengan jarak 21 cm dari pangkal batang tanaman kelapa Sawit, dosis pupuk sebanyak 3 kg/pohon kemudian dibagi dan dimasukkan kedalam lubang yang telah dibuat dan setelah itu lubang ditutup kembali. Sistem tebar cukup hanya dengan menebarkan pupuk didalam piringan pokok.





Adalah tempat perebusan buah Sawit yang menggunakan tenaga uap sebagai sumber panas dan pematangan buah. Sterilizer bertujuan untuk mempermudah proses pengolahan buah Sawit dan membunuh kuman serta bakteri yang bisa menyebabkan menurunnya kualilitas minyak yang dihasilkan. Perebusan juga berguma untuk mempermudah perontokan buah Sawit dari tandannya. Sumber uap yang digunakan berasal dari Boiler yang disalurkan melalui pipa khusus yang dilengkapi dengan pelapis aluminium untuk mencegah kebocoran. Sedangkan air yang digunakan berasal dari sumber mata air sungai yang telah disterilisasi dengan mencampurkan bahan kimia khusus untuk menjaga kebersihan buah. Lama perebusan buah tergantung pada tingkat kematangan buah itu sendiri, jika buah yang dimasukkan kedalam bejana sterilizer terlalu tua maka perebusan dilakukan tidak lebih dari 60 menit. akan tetapi standar perebusan biasanya berkisar antara 75-90 menit untuk tingkat kematangan buah yang standar menurut kriteria matang panen. Kapasitas buah dalam satu bejana berkisar antara 17-20 ton dan jumlah lori yang masuk dalam bejana adalah 4 buah lori. Air sisa perebusan ditampung kedalam sebuah kolam khusus untuk dilakukan pemisahan karena masih memiliki 10 persen kandungan minyak.